Tuesday, November 6, 2012

I used to want you so bad, I'm so through with that

Dear Santa, can't your elves make me a Cintiq for Christmas??

And for the heck of it...get out and vote today people!!

Monday, October 29, 2012


In honor of Halloween, I drew Mary from The Crucible. I got a lot done in class today. Obviously. Happy Halloween!!

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Pencil Test

I know I keep posting this in different locations, but this is the only pencil test I have--so far.

Sketches - From my Sketchbook

These are sketches all done within the last few months, since I've been in Florida. If you recognize yourself, don't be creeped out. I thoroughly creeped out some guy on the bus today when I was drawing his profile. All the guests at Animal Kingdom think it's pretty cool to see me drawing the animals, but when I want to draw people everyone thinks I'm a weirdo. Ah, such is the life.

Sketchy Sketchy Sketchy - Digital Sketches

Photoshop Fantastic Part 2

Photoshop Fantastic

So these first few are from a project I was working on for Taylor Maid Beauty Supply. These are section covers for the rental catalogs.

Oldies but Goodies